Does Quality really mean money?
Let me get straight to the point. This is the story of how we have helped our Partner save 12k USD per month in the project “Celesta”. Interested?
Can Quality be a measure of success? Here are three types of quality metrics that can help you make a decision!
How can Quality help with that? The highest cost for any tech start-up is development cost. And what tells you more about the development process than the product quality? Here are key Quality metrics to look for in a promising start-up and how to read them!
Mobile app testing scenarios – are they worth using?
The test scenario is a tool that is the basis for a correctly performed software test. What is it and how is it done writing test scenarios? Check it out!
Software testing tools – which are worth using?
Testing tools facilitate the work of testers and allow for cost optimization. Which solutions are worth using? Advise Testspring experts.
Software performance testing – what it is and why you should do it
Performance tests will help you eliminate problems with the product after handing it over to users. Provide high quality to your software!
No requirements documentation doesn’t have to be a QA horror story
Why is requirements documentation important? Can you test without documentation? We’ll try to explain how to do it. Check it out and avoid the QA horror
Software quality and testing
The quality of the software can make your product a success. How to properly care for it? Software Quality Assurance and Software Quality Control can help. Check it out!
Alpha and beta testing – what are the differences? When are they worth performing?
Before the final version of the product reaches the end customer, it is worth conducting alpha and beta tests. Why? What mistakes can you avoid thanks to them? Check it out!
Comprehensive quality assurance service
MAERSK is a customer dealing with the supply chain, transport and logistics. Our goal was to enrich the Orchestrator service with an appropriate software.
Additional functions in the WMS system
Microsoft introduced a warehouse management system to one of its plants which had to be enriched with additional functions.