Automatic software testing

testy automatyczne oprogramowania

Automatic software tests give you a lot of freedom and, above all, assurance that the product we offer is safe and meets the highest quality standards. When is it worth using the tests and what activities do they include?

  • Automatic testing is based on the use of scripts and tool support. It is worth combining the tests with manual actions, because some errors are impossible to detect by the system.
  • Automatic testing will allow us to optimise the execution time of recurring tasks. The script allows us to find errors faster. Its precision determines how many defects it is able to find.
  • Automation may apply to different types of tests. It includes functional, non-functional as well as structural testing.

Automatic software testing – how does it work?

The main goal of companies offering software is to meet the expectations and needs of customers. To ensure this, it is necessary to constantly update the system. However, this may make it difficult to maintain the appropriate quality of the product. A solution that can help maintain the highest standards is the automation of processes. Automatic testing is based on executing processes with the use of scripts and tools prepared for a specific project.

The more precise solutions are introduced, the better the results will be and more errors will be found. It is worth noting that it is impossible to predict everything. It happens therefore, that some errors that are easy to detect by the tester may be ignored by the script.

To avoid this, automatic software testing is often combined with manual testing. However, if we have created an application that requires constant updating or adding new elements, the automatic testing is necessary for the application to remain effective and meet customer expectations. What activities can automatic testing involve?

What does automatic testing involve?

Automatic software testing may include testing at various levels. It should be noted that the area of the automation depends primarily on the needs and requirements of the software, customer expectations and budget.

One of the cheapest, but also useful, is the automation of unit tests. The script then scans, for example: components, modules contained in the program. In the case of very complex systems, integration testing that covers many modules and functions may occur necessary. However, they require more money and time.

Automatic tests often also apply to all software components. Remember that it is connected with serious costs. The last type of tests are acceptance tests which are not to find errors but to check the completeness and compliance of the system with the specification, business requirements and user expectations.

Types of performed automatic software testing

Another division of the activities performed by testers according to what they really concern. On this basis, functional and non-functional tests are distinguished. The first ones consist in verifying the specific functionality of the system. At the same time, it should be emphasised that functional testing covers all the above-mentioned software levels. It accompanies testers in activities ranging from unit testing to integration and acceptance testing. However, the second of the above-mentioned types of tests, i.e. non-functional ones, verify the operation of the entire system, not just its specific functionalities. These include performance and security testing.

Testing automation also applies to structural tests, i.e. the tests related to the source code of the system. The last type of testing involves re-validating the software after making changes. It is necessary for the system to function properly and to meet the highest quality standards.

The benefits of automatic software testing

Automatic software testing allows, above all, faster testing than in the case of manual operations. Thanks to scripts and tools, we can minimise the risk of human errors. The detected errors and test results are saved in the system and we can view them at any time.

Automatic software testing will be a good solution for performance, stress and functional tests. It will also help us shorten the test execution time for repetitive tasks.

Depending on the design, the tests performed and their complexity, it may be associated with higher or lower costs.

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